5 Powerful Pinterest Podcast Promotion Strategies

If you’re ready to elevate your podcast’s visibility and captivate audiences far and wide, harnessing the promotional power of Pinterest is an absolute must.

Imagine over 518 million monthly active users eagerly scrolling through inspiration, just waiting to discover your podcast. What’s more? Pinterest boasts a diverse audience spanning across generations, with a staggering 46% aged 18-24, 40% aged 25-34, and 39% aged 35-46.

Standing out can feel like quite the feat in a crowded landscape of podcasts vying for attention. But if you’re prepared and armed with these tried-and-tested strategies, you’ll not only navigate the Pinterest platform with ease but also carve out your unique space, captivating audiences and growing your podcast community organically.

1. Create Eye-Catching Pins & Add Them To a Board

Creating eye-catching pins is crucial on Pinterest because it’s a visual platform. When designing your pins, think about what would grab your attention as you scroll through your own feed. Use bright colours, clear text, and good-quality images to make your pins stand out.

For instance, if you’re running a podcast that speaks to small business owners, design pins featuring professional photographs of yourself, business-related imagery, motivational quotes, or highlights from your episodes. These pins will catch the attention of small business owners as they scroll through their feeds, enticing them to learn more about your podcast.

Now, let’s talk about Pinterest boards. These are like folders where you can neatly organize your pins. This is super helpful, especially if you have a business account. It helps people who visit your profile to easily find what they’re looking for.

You can start by creating boards matching your podcast episodes’ topics. If your podcast covers topics like marketing tips, financial management, and success stories from small business owners, you could have boards dedicated to each of these topics.

Mix pins from your episodes with other valuable content you find online to provide added value to your audience. This will help your followers find what they’re interested in and position you as a trusted resource in the small business community.

2. Link Your Pins Back To A Website URL

Linking your pins back to a website URL is like offering a direct route for your audience, especially when you’re aiming to guide them straight to your latest podcast episode. Each click on your pin leads eager listeners directly to where they can tune in to your newest content. For example, you can see that the pin below directs people to the creator’s website and a blog post for the episode.

Pro Tip: You can easily repurpose graphics or artwork related to your most recent episode. Creating a pin with the Pinterest browser extension is as simple as a few clicks. Before you know it, you’ll have a visually stunning pin ready to entice your audience and drive them straight to your latest episode.

3. Include Keywords In Your Pin Description

When crafting your pin description, think of it as your podcast’s introduction to the world. Including keywords in your pin description helps potential listeners discover your episode when they’re searching for topics related to your content. 

Don’t worry if you’re not sure which keywords to use. Start by thinking about what your episode is about and jot down a few words or phrases that sum it up. These could be themes, topics, or even specific terms mentioned in the episode.

For example, if your latest episode dives into budget-friendly travel tips for backpackers exploring Southeast Asia, consider including keywords like “budget travel,” “backpacking adventures,” and “Southeast Asia exploration” in your episode description. These keywords will increase the visibility of your episode among users interested in those topics.

Remember, your pin description is your chance to entice potential listeners and give them a taste of what to expect from your podcast episode. So, be descriptive and engaging, and don’t forget to sprinkle in those keywords to help your episode get discovered.

4. Turn Your Podcasts Into Blog Posts

Adding a blog post to accompany your podcast episodes might seem like extra work, but trust me, it’s worth it! Think of it this way: your audience includes both listeners and readers, and a blog post gives you another avenue to reach them and highlight the key points of your podcast episodes.

For example, this photographer has shared her podcast episode via a blog post, which allows readers more insight into the main takeaways of the episode.

There are a couple of ways you can approach this:


Transcription enables you to post a written version of your podcast episode word for word. This caters to those who prefer reading and helps with accessibility for those who may have difficulty hearing.


Alternatively, you can create a summary of your podcast episode in a blog post, focusing on the key takeaways and main points. This makes it easier for your audience to grasp the essence of your episode quickly.

Plus, having a blog post can also boost your visibility on search engines like Google. By including relevant keywords and content related to your episode topic, you increase the chances of your podcast being discovered by new listeners.

When creating your blog post, make sure it’s easy to find and access after each episode. Have it written and reviewed before your podcast episode goes live, and don’t forget to include sharing options so that your audience can easily spread the word.

5. Analyze Your Analytics & Iterate Based On Your Performance

Why should you bother analyzing your Pinterest analytics? Well, think of it this way: Pinterest analytics give you the insight to understand what your audience loves, what makes them click, and what leaves them scrolling past.

Start by checking out your Pinterest analytics dashboard, where you’ll find a treasure trove of data about your pins, like how many people saw them, clicked on them, and even saved them for later. Pay attention to which pins get the most love and which could use a little extra TLC.

You can then use these insights to fine-tune your Pinterest strategy. If you notice that your episode teasers are getting tons of clicks, but your behind-the-scenes posts are falling flat, pivot your focus and give the people what they want! Experiment with different types of pins, play around with your descriptions, and keep showing up for your audience. 

Pinterest Podcast Strategies: In Closing

Pinterest is a game-changer for podcasters looking to expand their reach and connect with eager listeners worldwide. With its enhanced features tailored for podcast promotion, the platform opens up endless possibilities for spreading your message and building your audience.

By sharing valuable content on Pinterest, you not only amplify your podcast’s visibility but also establish yourself as an authority in your niche. So, get creative with your pins, and watch as your podcast gains momentum, captivates audiences, and takes center stage in the digital landscape. Your next listener could be just one pin away!

Finally, if you’re looking for more growth strategies to find more podcast listeners, don’t forget to check out our pillar guide to podcast promotion.

Originally posted on May 21, 2024 @ 12:24 am

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